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Kaduu offers in different sections either a live or a database search. In most cases, database searches access data leaks that have already been published. Leak DB search, for example: In the leak search, you can find data leaks that are shared in hacker forums. We index these in Elastic and you can then search them via This allows you to find data that is shared free of charge by hackers. Since we access a database, the queries can also be scaled.

With the Hacker Forum Live Search: The Live Search works completely differently. You log in to the hacker forums as a user in the background (you have to bypass Cloudflare, solve a captcha and log in). Since the hacker forums recognize automatic bots, we have to access the forums programmatically with real browsers. Then we search with our user for the data entered in Of course, this takes up to 3 hours because otherwise our accounts would be blocked. The live search can only be scaled to a limited extent, as our IPs or accounts would otherwise be banned. The live search should therefore only be used for special purposes and as a premium service. If more searches are needed, we can create an additional account on for a fee. We will then register additional users on the forums who will then be included in the search.

However, there are other differences in the searches. This can be explained using the example of botnet logs and credit cards.

You can search our database for FREE available credit cards or botnet logs. In most cases, however, such data is sold in stores. Only when the data is NOT sold does it end up in the forums for free after many months. Therefore, a distinction must also be made here between 2 searches:

Database-based searches for botnet logs, and live searches for logs that are for sale. Such logs could be found via, for example. In contrast to, however, you will not see the botnet logs, but only an offer to buy botnet logs for a domain.

This is the same with credit cards. At you will find offers for credit cards that are for sale. In you will find credit cards which are mostly older and available for free on the Darknet.

A special case is Here you can also search a database, but in contrast to, you will only find PII data that is available for browsing and not the actual leaks. This data includes passport, social security number, address, bank accounts, etc.

what_is_the_difference_between_live_and_db_search.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/14 14:06 by kaduuwikiadmin