Hackers share data leaks on Telegram in different ways. In some channels, hackers post data dumps with short explanations about what people can find in them. In these channels, minimal conversations occur. However, there are also dedicated hacking groups where many members actively discuss various aspects of Internet crime. There are many more ways Telegram is used by hackers:
Telegram has over 500 million active users, and many of these users are likely to have created or joined channels. Telegram allows anyone to create a channel and there's no limitation or verification process to it, so the number of channels on the platform is quite high. Additionally, many of these channels are likely to be inactive or used for legitimate purposes, so it's difficult to estimate the number of channels that are specifically used for hacking or other illegal activities. We try to keep track of channels, but we will only cover a very small fraction of all channels.
Kaduu allows you to search the discussion history by comparing your keyword query with real accounts and presenting you the results in a downloadable format. We query around 200+ Telegram channels.
If we find any result related to your keyword, you can download (2) the archive containing the keywords. If you are curious which forums contain the keyword, you can click on "view" (1).
The (x) marks channels, where the keyword was not found (4), the checkbox indicates, that something was found (3):
To be able to do that, we use a variety of Telegram accounts. Because Telegram has security filters that block too many requests, we have to limit the number of requests to a maximum of 5 per customer per day. Please be aware that we query +200 channels at the same time. This takes a few minutes. Be patient.