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Social Media Spoofing

What is social media spoofing?

Social media spoofing is a type of cyberattack in which attackers create fake social media profiles or websites that mimic legitimate ones in order to deceive and trick users into revealing sensitive information or taking malicious actions. The goal of social media spoofing is to exploit the trust and credibility of legitimate social media platforms to gain access to personal information or to spread malware or other harmful content.

Spoofing attacks can take various forms, such as phishing emails, fraudulent social media profiles or posts, and fake login pages. These attacks are often designed to look like they are coming from a trusted source, such as a well-known brand or social media platform, in order to trick victims into providing sensitive information such as login credentials or financial information.


You can setup the reserach as a one-time search or ongoing monitoring job. As an input Kaduu requires either the social media username (profile name) or a picture:

The various Social Media search terms are displayed in the overview page. To get into the details, please click on "view" at the button on the right.

We will use different techniques to identify similar profiles. If you provided a picture, we will use Google Reverse Image Search capabilities and combine it with intelligent filtering to present you only search results that may relate to fake profiles.

social_media_spoofing.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/22 20:40 (external edit)