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Active Domain Monitoring


Passive Domain monitoring involves monitoring publicly available databases of registered domains. However, since ccTLDs are not obliged to make the registered domains available to the public, entries for new domains are not found at all or with a delay of weeks. For this reason we offer an active monitoring of typo-squatted domain variations. You can enter your own domain here and we will generate around 7000 variations of this domain as commonly used by hackers. This list of domains is then pro-actively monitored for active DNS entries on a daily basis.

How does it work?

Once you entered a domain, it will create 7000-8000 Typosquatted variations of that domain name. Typosquatting is the practice of buying domain names that closely mimic legitimate websites. Often it's something as simple as adding a hyphen where there shouldn't be one. Or using a marginally different spelling of the business name. Using zeros in place of the letter O or ones in place of the letter I is another popular spelling error favored by typo-squatters. You can see those typosquetted variations if you click on "view":

Kaduu starts monitoring those domains by making a (1) NS query every day for each domain. If a NS query exists, we also query the WHOIS data (2). You can sort the results by every field!

domain_live_typosquatting_search.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/22 20:40 (external edit)