====== Domain Database Search ====== You can search in a Kaduu database similar domain names. You can investigate the results with various tools. The database is updated daily using domain registration feeds. Available main search operators: ^ Field Name ^ Description | | createdAt | Creation date & time. | | registrationDate | Registration date. | | name | Domain name (default field). | | tld | Top-level domain name (domain zone): com, org, net, de, etc. | All search operators: ^ Field Name ^ Description | | microsoft | Search for domain names similar to microsoft with Levenshtein distance of 2. This is the equivalent of the microsoft~2 query and is its shorter version. | | name:microsoft | Search for domain names exactly matching microsoft in any domain zone. This is the equivalent of the name:microsoft~0 query. | | microsoft.com | Is the equivalent of name:microsoft AND tld:com query, which searches for exact microsoft.com domain in our index. | | micro OR soft | Search for domains micro or soft in any domain zone. OR keyword is case-sensitive. This is the equivalent of micro soft search query. | | name:micro~1 AND tld:com | Search for domains matching micro with Levenshtein distance of 1 (up to 1 typo) in .com domain zone. | | name:micro AND NOT tld:com | Search for domains matching micro in any domain zone, except .com. | | microsoft~2 | Search for microsoft domain with Levenshtein distance of 2 (up to 2 typos) in any domain zone. | | *microsoft* | Search for domains containing microsoft. The following domains will match: update-microsoft.com, buy-microsoft-windows.com, microsoft-update.com, etc. | | software*update | Search for domains containing software in the beginning and update in the end, in any domain zone. The following domains will match: softwareupdate.com, software-super-update.com. | | registrationDate:2020-03-05 | Search for domains registered on 5th of March, 2020. | | createdAt:[2019-01-01 TO 2020-01-01] | Search domains registered 1st of January 2019 to 1st of January 2020. | | registrationDate:[* TO 2020-01-01] | Search domains registered til 1st of January 2020. | | name:superbank AND (tld:net OR tld:org) AND registrationDate:[* TO 2020-08-08] | Search domains in net or org domain zones, that are equal to superbank and that were registered before August 8th 2020 |